Wednesday 29 June 2011

Felt-Tip Surrealism

I found these old pics from back when I lived in Brixton. Got thru a few felt tips back in the day.


While I melted my mind writing a thesis I attempted to relax by dabbling in a bit of Abstract Expressionism. Its a good crack, you should give it a go sometime.

Farewell Gift

Found this old gem today from when I finished working at the extremely unpredictable Bethlem & Maudsley Adolescent Unit. Good times but I'm glad they're behind me.

Eye eye

This guitar sounds as evil as it looks. vzzzz vzzzzz…

Saturday 25 June 2011


Don't worry people, you will hardly even notice that it is there after a while.

Hello…anyone there?

right. im out there. this is where im going to put all the stuff that doesn't fit in anywhere else. a curiosity shop of my mind. please feel free to browse and if you would like a closer look at something please ask at the, design, music, i'll leave it all here for you to have a look at/listen to.